I'm a day or two late, because despite the longer-than-normal time between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day, I'm just now starting to get the actual decorations put out and around the house. We go a little Christmas-Crazy when it comes to decorations.
I'm probably making up for my parents, who last put up a tree, in '02.
It's hard to choose just one decoration...so here are a few of my favorites, but by no means, is it exhaustive.
I wish you could see how long this snowman's arms are!
They make me smile each and every time I walk
by them! And...he's sparkly and handsome. He's
like the Brad Pitt of snowpeople. And he's all mine! |
This is the sheep-half of the "and the shepherds kept watch over
their sheep" duo. As made and finished by my husband, Brett.
We were living in the armpit of Texas at the time, purely
miserable, and frighteningly poor...and we'd given each other a
limit of $10 for Christmas gifts that year. I think I
bought him a flashlight. But he made me this nativity
set out of scrap wood that he'd found in the backyard when
we'd moved in...it sits at the fireplace and each year,
no matter where we're at in our relationship or how distressed
I am, I remember that moment and how grateful
I am that he's my husband. |
I never knew my Grandfather - my Mother's dad - but
the story goes that when my Grandma and my Grandfather
bought their first television, he insisted on having this
duck-lamp to go on top of the t.v. (apparently, this was a
trend) or it was "no sale." So each year, The Duck gets
dressed up with a bow and a Santa hat...
and even though I don't have
any idea who my Grandfather was or what his laugh sounded
like or how he smelled or what he was passionate about...
I feel a little connected to him - and my Grandma - each
time I see that duck (who now, lives next to our television). |
These sheep...how can you not smile, when you see these guys!
We've had them for years, and I guess I used to always figure
if we ever had a kid, we'd hide them around the house
"Elf on a Shelf" style...but now they just sit there and beckon
joy with their sweet smiles and lazy, swinging legs. Much
like, I suppose, how I'd like to beckon the holidays. |
Please share a pic of the shepherd-half of Brett's creation. That sheep is really great. I can imagine him walking the yard to find the perfect log and then working away in a private place until finally he's ready to paint on that carrot nose - wait, a carrot nose? I've heard of some nasty shepherds, but Frosty? I never thought he would do that... -MM