Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Summer Moments: I'm Not Dead Yet!

Despite my virtual absence... and hem-hawyness concerning this blog...I've actually been out and about.

A retrospective: 

Aunt D and Me at the Komen's Survivors Luncheon!
Not once, did they play "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gynor,
but it was a fantastic experience.  Breathtaking...to be
in a room of so many survivors.
"At first I was afraid, I was petrified..."
Bops head, walks away.

Meeting Josh Groban. Backstage passes!  Giddy like a
school girl! 

I considered briefly, leaving Brett for little Joshy-poo.
But I figured with all his traveling and stuff,
we'd never get to see each other.  And really,
that's no way to build a relationship.

So instead, I hung out with Brett that night and enjoyed
a free concert (luckiest boy in the world, won tickets).

Is it opera?  Is it rock and roll?  You JUST CAN'T TELL!
Josh Groban has a new fan. 

The rarely seen Dikdik.  Too. Many. Jokes...

The East African Crowned Crane....head.

Girl Cheetah.  You can't see it, but I'm curled up
behind her.  Just chillin'.

Baby Rhino and Mama Rhino.
I can actually hear the collective... "Awwwwww."

Fourth of July. Weird eye follows me everywhere.

"I wanna be, where the people are..."
Name that sad-sack tune, and I'll send you a
five dollar bill in the mail.

Mammy and Pappy at the ol' watering hole for a
Birthday celebration!

The two Birthday Gals! Aunt D turning 60 and
my Mother turning... ouch! That hurt.

I'm so artsy and stuff.  Dude.

The Thompson siblings...
Aunt D, Uncle D, Dad D, & Aunt D.
Really, I'm not kidding... they're related.

But of course...
Canned some pickled peppers.
Like seventeen, 1/2 pint jars worth.

What you'll need:
1/2 Pound jalapeno and
banana pepper mix
2 Cups white vinegar
2/3 Cups sugar
1/2 Teaspoon mustard seed
1/2 Teaspoon celery seed

Sterilize jars, warm lids, etc. Bring
vinegar, sugar, and spices to a rolling
boil.  Fill hot jars with peppers.
Pour hot pickling juice over peppers
leaving 1/2 inch head space.
Wipe rim of jar.  Place lids and
screw on band until finger-tip
tight.  Leave untouched for two weeks.


  1. "Part of Your World" from the Little Mermaid!!!! I expect to see my check in the mail today :)

  2. Heck, even I knew that one!... um. Right. Actually I was waffling between the 'Little Mermaid' song, and 'Fuel' by Metallica. It was one of those.
